Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mummy, Kya Bhoot hote hai (Do Ghost really exists)?

Hehehe, I know reading this post title, many of you will laugh, including me! :-D ;-)

So yesterday night, on bed, minutes before she sleeps, my 6 years old Akshara, asked me, Mummy, Kya Bhoot (Ghost) hote hai? So like every good mother, who never scares little children, I answered "NO". Then she asked me another question, which I cannot even imagine it myself. "Then, Mummy tell me Why did God created this term "Bhoot"? Did God created it or people did? How did we get this idea of Bhoot? I realized, that it was not easy to escape this time. So for few seconds,I became quiet and immersed in my thinking on how best to tell her. I think it was a too long pause! As though she understood my conflict, she probed me again....with an additional (motivating) line, "Mom, you know everything, I know." So when any mother comes under the influence of such cheesy words, suddenly her brain acts at very quick speed. Something similar happened to me.

After some 20 minutes of discussion, she was assured that nothing bad is going to happen to her or anyone she loves. And this will remain truth for her till few more years. But as she grows up, the world around her, will place doubt, make her probe, question many such myths, stories, fables, and she will turn herself into a small time researcher and arrive into conclusions which will be proportionate to her nature of experience.

But tonight, its all about her Good Night Sleep!

Just like her, I am also remembering one of my myth, learnt it first from my mother and that which has kept me safe till today is "Nothing bad can happen to good people."

So with this, I am signing off!


  1. Quite an Interesting take I would say.
    Though the Question still remains unanswered.. ;)

    1. Thank you Sachit for appreciating the article. Yes, the question remains unanswered, but I purposefully left it so, as the subject matter will take altogether a different blog.


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